Removal of varicose veins: when the alternatives do not

Everything has been tried, and your surgeon informs you that needs removal of varicose veins. Do not despair, because, sometimes, surgical intervention, and the truth is the best output. And worth not only to agree with the removal of varicose veins, but and ask how to prepare for this, and how this happens.

Removal of varicose ven – dispelling the myths

As with all surgery, with the removal of varicose veins we tried to pull a little more, not walk, not think the same about it. But, unfortunately, the problem is not going anywhere. Processes, whether of vienna, are irreversible, and the longer we delay the appointment with the surgeon, more with a big problem that we have to face, because the most important thing when varicose veins, disease of time. - The miss. It is expected a dissociation? What prevents us from going to a surgeon?

Removal of varicose vein

There is a myth that the removal of the vein will have a negative impact in the future, the blood circulation. This is incorrect. The removal of the vein does not prevent the normal circulation of blood and safe for the body, because subcutaneous administration, vienna (including its and strikes for varicose veins) are normal occurs no more than 10% of the blood. 90% of venous blood moves deep, and so-called connectors of vienna feet.

Another myth says that this operation is poorly tolerated by the body, what is lost large amount of blood, and many of the cuts time to heal, by restricting in movement. But it is not so. The progress is far to the front, and the running of cases does not threaten even one-tenth of a share of such terrible pain. In addition, in recent years, has been largely the distribution method is direct removal of varicose ven – remove, without cuts, through a puncture of the skin. This type of interference, especially productive in the early stages of varicose veins, disease.

So, if there are indications for surgery, it's not worth to hold back with his conduct, because the sooner accomplished, the faster you will reach the normalization of blood circulation and the healing of other abnormalities and complications of varicose veins.

Removal of varicose ven – indications and contra-indications

There are several indications for the surgical removal of the varicose vein:

  • off the coast of varicose veins:
  • if subcutaneous vienna pathologically advanced;
  • if the varicose extension of the vein accompanied by fatigue of the feet, and edema;
  • on the face signs of violation of the outflow of blood — feeling of heaviness, swelling, tiredness of the feet;
  • varicose veins accompanied by trophic pests;
  • the acute thrombophlebitis of varicose veins.

However, along with the indications of operation, there are contra-indications. Thus, the operation is not performed:

  • in the final stage of varicose veins, disease of
  • when the hypertension
  • when the ischemic heart disease
  • for severe cases of infectious diseases and processes
  • elderly patients
  • in inflammatory processes in the legs of moths, pyoderma, erysipelas inflammation and Dr.
  • do not go for operation during pregnancy.

Thus, it is important to remember that during the operation can be used several drugs, and if you have an intolerance or allergy to any medicine, especially in novocain and iodinated substance, if you are taking any medication, make sure you inform your surgeon.

Removal of varicose vein - how is the operation and what to do next?

Preparation for the operation of removal of the veins absolutely simple

Varicose veins
  • Take a shower,
  • Totally shave the leg where the operation will be performed,
  • Before the operation the skin of the feet must be healthy and not have any pustular disease,
  • If the operation you want to do with the anesthesia, on the eve of the operation prescribe mandatory enemas cleaning
  • The operation will roomy shoes and clothes.

The operation of removal of varicose veins takes about 2 hours. As a result of the surgical intervention patients of vienna, will be removed. Marks on the skin after the removal surgery varicose veins almost not visible, only 3-5 mm. During the operation when varicocele varicose veins apply the anesthesia. In the case of correctly identifying the functioning of the venous valves, correction of the effect of unsustainable valves, with the aim of restoring the outflow of blood.

After the varicose veins surgery is necessary to follow some of the recommendations, the main of which — elastic compression. After the surgery, the patient is recommended per day over 1.5 to 2 months for use of elastic ligatures or elastic stockings. In addition, to restore the function of the operated feet prescribe venotonic drugs.

Also from the first hours after surgery, we recommend that you rotate, flex the legs and t. d. And simple solderdattention the end of beds 8 to 10 cm improves the venous blood circulation. On the following day after varicose veins surgery, when the disease runs ligation with the application of compression of tissue mesh or elastic bandage on both feet from the tip of toes up to knee joints. Is allowed to walk only after the bandage. Also after the removal of the veins are recommended therapeutic exercise and light massage as a prevention of blood clots. About two weeks should not be aerobics, gymnastics or ledtrengaraj, as well as access to the sauna and steam room. Elastic compression is required not less than 2 months after the release of amendments.